Fiddes Net

Barbara's Recipes - Apple Jam

Recipe for Apple Jam.


Apple Jam


Qty Description Qty Description
4 lb cooking apples 2 lemons
3 lb granulated sugar 1 pint water
piece of root ginger


Peel and core the apples. This should give approximately 2¾ lb.

Simmer the sugar and water for about 20 minutes to make a thick syrup.

Meanwhile chop the apples and when the syrup is ready add them to the syrup with the piece of root ginger tied in muslin and the grated rind of the two lemons and the juice of one.

Let it simmer gently until the apples look clear and golden, about 30 minutes.

The result is very similar to marrow jam as the flavour comes from the lemon and ginger. It too does not keep particularly well tending to get rather crystallised.

fruit selection
pot of jam
pot of jam
pot of jam
pot of jam

Disclaimer: This recipe is provided 'as is' and we regret that no responsibilty can be accepted if you do not like the result - if it breaks your kitchen you get to keep both parts!
We believe this recipe works and will provide a tasty jam. In the event that in transcribing it for the Web errors or omissions have ocurred and ingredients include such gems as 1½ lb turmeric please let us know so we can correct it.
If you like the result and want to pass it on please feel free to do so as long as the source is acknowledged.

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